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Determines a new selectable column.











) Æ iColumn





) Æ iColumn


<symDirection>The direction for which the next selectable column is to be determined. The following values are supported:





Determines the first selectable column. The argument <iColumn> is not considered and should be specified with 0.


Determines the last selectable column. The argument <iColumn> is not considered and should be specified with 0.


Determines the previous selectable column beginning from the specified column number.


Determines the next selectable column beginning from the specified column number.


Determined either the next or if not exist the previous selectable column, beginning of the specified column number.


Data Type:Symbol


<iColumn>The column number of the cell, starting from which a selectable column is to be determined. The number of the column refers to the list of the opened columns (see also bBrowser:ColumnOpenList).  If the argument is not passed, then the current column number is used as default.
Data Type:Integer


<nRowNo>The row number of the cell, starting from which a selectable column is to be determined. If the argument is not passed, then the current row number is used as default.
Data Type:Integer | Float


<nRecNo>The record number of the cell, starting from which a selectable column is to be determined. If the argument is not passed, then the current record number is used as default.
Data Type:Integer | Float

Return Value

iColumnThe number of the determined column. If no selectable column was determined, the value 0 is returned.
Data Type:Integer


bBrowser:GetNewSelectableColumn() search the next opened column in the specified direction for which the method bBrowser:IsCellSelectable() returned the value TRUE.

See Also




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