Requirement: bBrowser 1.4


In order to scroll vertical or horizontal without scrollbars, special events must be sent with the MS-Windows API function SendMessage() to the bBrowser. The function SendMessage() is defined as follows:

SendMessage(hWnd     AS PTR,;

            iMessage AS DWORD,;

            iWParam  AS DWORD

            iLParam  AS LONG) AS LONG


hWnd      Handle of bBrowser control

iMessage  Vertical scroll:        WM_VSCROLL

          Horizontal scroll:      WM_HSCROLL

iWParam   Vertical scroll:        SB_LINEUP      Scrolls one line up.

                                  SB_LINEDOWN    Scrolls one line down.

                                  SB_PAGEUP      Scrolls one page up.

                                  SB_PAGEDOWN    Scrolls one page down.

          Horizontal scroll:      SB_LINELEFT    Scrolls one column left.

                                  SB_LINERIGHT   Scrolls one column right.

                                  SB_PAGELEFT    Scrolls one page left.

                                  SB_PAGERIGHT   Scrolls one page right.

iLParam   This parameter must be 0.


The following code fragment defines 4 methods, in order to sroll one page or line up or down in the bBrowser.

METHOD PageUp() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_PAGEUP, 0),;



METHOD PageDown() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_PAGEDOWN, 0),;



METHOD LineUp() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_LINEUP, 0),;



METHOD LineDown() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_LINEDOWN, 0),;



The following code fragment defines 4 methods, in order to sroll one page or column left or right in the bBrowser.

METHOD PageLeft() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_PAGELEFT, 0),;



METHOD PageRight() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_PAGERIGHT, 0),;



METHOD LineUp() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_LINELEFT, 0),;



METHOD LineDown() CLASS myDataWindow



              MakeWParam(SB_LINERIGHT, 0),;
