How to define the selection colors for color conditions

Requirement: bBrowser 1.4


In the class bColorCondition the following accesses are defined:

  • SelectedBackground
  • SelectedForeground
  • InactiveSelectedBackground
  • InactiveSelectedForeground

With these accesses the foreground and background colors can be defined, which are to be used, if the color condition applies to a cell and the cell is selected.

The following code fragment demonstrates the proceeding:

METHOD PostInit() CLASS myDataWindow


  LOCAL oCC            AS bColorCondition

  LOCAL cCondition     AS STRING



  IF odbsCUSTOMER:Used



    cCondition := "Year(Today())-Year(Server:BIRTHDAY)>=40"

    oCC := bColorCondition{cCondition,;




    oCC:SelectedForeground := Color{COLORYELLOW}

    oCC:InactiveSelectedForeground := Color{COLORYELLOW}



